Jazz3D API

Class Object3d

Direct Known Subclasses:
Checkerboard3d, Cube3d, Cylinder3d, Freeform3d, Hemisphere3d, Landscape3d, Lathe3d, Line3d, Model3d, Pyramid3d, Quad3d, Sphere3d, Text3d, Torus3d, Triangle3d

public class Object3d
extends java.lang.Object

Contains all vertex and face information relating to a single object.

SyGem Software

Constructor Summary
Object3d(double xx, double yy, double zz)
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
 int addChild(Object3d child, double xp, double yp, double zp)
          Add a child object to this object.
 void addQuad(Quad t)
          Add a quad to this object.
 void addTriangle(Triangle t)
          Add a triangle to this object.
 void addVertex(int num, float xx, float yy, float zz)
          Add a vertex to the object.
 void applyFaceChanges()
          Forces Jazz3D to recalculate the vertex colours of an object.
 void cleanUp()
          Shrinks the vertex and face containers to their minimum size.
 Vertex getCenter()
          Returns a vertex representing the center point of this object.
 Object3d[] getChildObjects()
          Gets an array full of all the child objects this object currently has.
 boolean getCollidable()
          Find out if the object is collidable.
 boolean getCulling()
          Returns the status of the backface culling.
 Shape getFace(int faceid)
          Get a particular face from this object.
 int getFaceColour(int faceid)
          Returns the colour of the specified face.
 int getID()
          Get the numerical identifier of this object.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get the name identifier of this object.
 int getNumberOfFaces()
          Get the number of faces in the object.
 int getNumberOfSubFaces()
          Get the number of faces in the object (including sub-objects).
 int getNumberOfSubVertices()
          Get the number of vertices in the object (including sub-objects).
 int getNumberOfVertices()
          Get the number of vertices in the object.
 Render getRenderer()
          Gets the current renderer being used with this object.
 Shape[] getShapeArray()
          Gets an array full of all the faces this object currently has.
 boolean getUseVertexUVCoords()
          Returns true if vertex UV coordinates are being used, false if not.
 Vertex getVertex(int vertid)
          Get a particular vertex from this object.
 Vertex[] getVertexArray()
          Gets an array full of all the vertices this object currently has.
 boolean getVisible()
          Returns the visibility of the object.
 Vertex getWorldVertex(int vertid)
          Get a particular vertex from this object, the coordinates of which will be in world-space.
 boolean pick(Vertex start, Vertex end)
          Casts a ray between 2 points in space, and tests to see if any of the faces in this object collide with it.
 boolean pickClosest(Vertex start, Vertex end)
          Casts a ray between 2 points in space, and tests to see if any of the faces in this object collide with it.
 boolean pickFace(Vertex start, Vertex end, int faceID)
          Casts a ray between 2 points in space, and tests to see if a particular face in this object collide with it.
 void prepForDisplay(boolean bbon)
          Finalizes any object creation activities (like bounding-box creation).
 void recreateVertexNormals()
          Force the recreation of all vertex normals.
 void rotateLocal(double xx, double yy, double zz)
          Rotates the object a given amount around the object's own axis.
 void rotateLocal(double xx, double yy, double zz, double px, double py, double pz)
          Rotates the object a given amount around a specified point, around the object's own axis.
 void rotateWorld(double xx, double yy, double zz)
          Rotates the object a given amount around the static world axis.
 void rotateWorld(double xx, double yy, double zz, double px, double py, double pz)
          Rotates the object a given amount around a specified point, around the static world axis.
 void scaleObject(double xs, double ys, double zs)
          Scales the object, relative to its current size.
 void setAllTextures(int texid)
          Sets the texture for all object faces.
 void setAmbientColour(int r, int g, int b)
          Sets the ambient colour of an object.
 void setCollidable(boolean collide)
          Toggles whether or not this object can be collided with.
 void setColour(int r, int g, int b)
          Sets the colour of the whole object.
 void setCulling(boolean cull)
          Toggles the use of backface culling for this object.
 void setFaceColour(int faceid, int r, int g, int b)
          Set the colour of an individual face.
 void setFaceColourQuick(int faceid, int r, int g, int b)
          Set the colour of an individual face.
 void setName(java.lang.String newName)
          Sets the name identifier of this object.
 void setPosition(double xx, double yy, double zz)
          Allows you to set the position of the object directly.
 void setRenderer(Render newRenderer)
          Sets the renderer to be used with this object.
 void setShapeArray(Shape[] s)
          Sets all of the faces for this object.
 void setTexture(int texid)
          Sets the texture for this object.
 void setTexture(int faceid, int texid)
          Sets the texture for a given face.
 void setUseVertexUVCoords(boolean uv)
          Instruct the texture mappers to use UV coordinates from vertices, not faces.
 void setVertexArray(Vertex[] v)
          Sets all of the vertices for this object.
 void setVertexTexture(int vertexid, int texid)
          Sets the image to be rendered at a given vertex.
 void setVisible(boolean visible)
          Toggles object visibility.
 void translateLocal(double xx, double yy, double zz)
          Translate the object relative to its own axis.
 void translateWorld(double xx, double yy, double zz)
          Translate the object relative to the static world axis.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Object3d(double xx,
                double yy,
                double zz)
Default constructor.
xx - The x position of the center of the object.
yy - The y position of the center of the object.
zz - The z position of the center of the object.
Method Detail


public final void setName(java.lang.String newName)
Sets the name identifier of this object.
newName - The name of this object
See Also:
World.getObject(String), getName()


public final java.lang.String getName()
Get the name identifier of this object.
The name of this object
See Also:
World.getObject(String), setName(String)


public final int getID()
Get the numerical identifier of this object.
The id of this object
See Also:


public final void recreateVertexNormals()
Force the recreation of all vertex normals.


public final int addChild(Object3d child,
                          double xp,
                          double yp,
                          double zp)
Add a child object to this object. This creates a hierarchy of objects, so when the parent is moved or rotated, the children move accordingly.

NOTE: The pivot point is a point in space relative to the center of the object.

child - Any valid object - primitive or model.
xp - The x position of the pivot point, used when rotating the child
yp - The y position of the pivot point, used when rotating the child
zp - The z position of the pivot point, used when rotating the child


public final void addTriangle(Triangle t)
Add a triangle to this object. The vertices referenced by the Triangle MUST have been added already, or an error will occur.
t - A Triangle
See Also:
addVertex(int, float, float, float), Triangle


public final void addQuad(Quad t)
Add a quad to this object. The vertices referenced by the Quad MUST have been added already, or an error will occur.
t - A Quad
See Also:
addVertex(int, float, float, float), Quad


public final void cleanUp()
Shrinks the vertex and face containers to their minimum size. This should be called by any object that uses addVertex(), addTriangle() or addQuad().


public final void setTexture(int texid)
Sets the texture for this object. This is used for animated textures.
texid - An integer as returned by the setTexture() method of the renderer.
See Also:


public final void setTexture(int faceid,
                             int texid)
Sets the texture for a given face. This is used for animated textures.
faceid - The face (polygon) of the object. Numbered from zero.
texid - An integer as returned by the setTexture() method of the renderer.
See Also:


public final void setAllTextures(int texid)
Sets the texture for all object faces. This is used for animated textures.
texid - An integer as returned by the setTexture() method of the renderer.
See Also:


public final Shape getFace(int faceid)
Get a particular face from this object.
faceid - The id of the face you want - starts from zero.
The face, or null if faceid is out of range.


public final int getNumberOfFaces()
Get the number of faces in the object. Useful for impressing your friends! (joke)
the number of faces in the object.


public final int getNumberOfSubFaces()
Get the number of faces in the object (including sub-objects).
the number of faces in the object.


public final Vertex getVertex(int vertid)
Get a particular vertex from this object.
vertid - The id of the vertex you want - starts from zero.
The Vertex, or null if vertid is out of range.


public Vertex getWorldVertex(int vertid)
Get a particular vertex from this object, the coordinates of which will be in world-space.
vertid - The id of the vertex you want - starts from zero.
The Vertex, or null if vertid is out of range.


public final int getNumberOfVertices()
Get the number of vertices in the object. Also useful for impressing your friends (if you still have any)!
the number of vertices in the object.


public final int getNumberOfSubVertices()
Get the number of vertices in the object (including sub-objects).
the number of vertices in the object.


public final Object3d[] getChildObjects()
Gets an array full of all the child objects this object currently has. WARNING: This will return NULL if no children have been added, so don't forget to check for that case!
See Also:
addChild(com.sygem.jazz3d3.Object3d, double, double, double)


public final Vertex[] getVertexArray()
Gets an array full of all the vertices this object currently has.


public final void setVertexArray(Vertex[] v)
Sets all of the vertices for this object.
v - An array of Vertexes
See Also:


public final Shape[] getShapeArray()
Gets an array full of all the faces this object currently has.


public final void setShapeArray(Shape[] s)
Sets all of the faces for this object.
s - An array of Shapes
See Also:


public final void addVertex(int num,
                            float xx,
                            float yy,
                            float zz)
Add a vertex to the object. Creates the vertex at a specified position in the vertex container, and at the world coordinates passed in.
See Also:


public final Vertex getCenter()
Returns a vertex representing the center point of this object.
A vertex.
See Also:


public final void setRenderer(Render newRenderer)
Sets the renderer to be used with this object. Note that this has no effect for the Line3d primitive, which can only use the RenderOutline renderer.
newRenderer - The renderer to be used.


public final Render getRenderer()
Gets the current renderer being used with this object.
The renderer being used.


public final void setUseVertexUVCoords(boolean uv)
Instruct the texture mappers to use UV coordinates from vertices, not faces.


public final boolean getUseVertexUVCoords()
Returns true if vertex UV coordinates are being used, false if not.


public final void translateWorld(double xx,
                                 double yy,
                                 double zz)
Translate the object relative to the static world axis. This will also move any child objects present. You can think of the world axis as being the same as the screen axis.
xx - The distance along the x-axis to translate.
yy - The distance along the x-axis to translate.
zz - The distance along the x-axis to translate.


public final void translateLocal(double xx,
                                 double yy,
                                 double zz)
Translate the object relative to its own axis. This will also move any child objects present. The object axis starts off being the same as the world axis, but rotates along with the object. This way you can ensure that and object can always move in the correct direction.
xx - The distance along the x-axis to translate.
yy - The distance along the x-axis to translate.
zz - The distance along the x-axis to translate.


public final void setPosition(double xx,
                              double yy,
                              double zz)
Allows you to set the position of the object directly. This will actually set the position of the center point of the object, as set when the object was created.
xx - The new x position of the center of the object
yy - The new y position of the center of the object
zz - The new z position of the center of the object


public final void rotateWorld(double xx,
                              double yy,
                              double zz)
Rotates the object a given amount around the static world axis.
xx - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the x-axis.
yy - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the y-axis.
zz - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the z-axis.
See Also:
rotateWorld(double, double, double, double, double, double)


public final void rotateWorld(double xx,
                              double yy,
                              double zz,
                              double px,
                              double py,
                              double pz)
Rotates the object a given amount around a specified point, around the static world axis.
xx - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the x-axis.
yy - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the y-axis.
zz - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the z-axis.
px - The x position of the point to rotate around.
py - The y position of the point to rotate around.
pz - The z position of the point to rotate around.
See Also:
rotateWorld(double, double, double)


public final void rotateLocal(double xx,
                              double yy,
                              double zz)
Rotates the object a given amount around the object's own axis.
xx - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the x-axis.
yy - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the y-axis.
zz - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the z-axis.
See Also:
rotateLocal(double, double, double, double, double, double)


public final void rotateLocal(double xx,
                              double yy,
                              double zz,
                              double px,
                              double py,
                              double pz)
Rotates the object a given amount around a specified point, around the object's own axis.
xx - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the x-axis.
yy - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the y-axis.
zz - The number of degrees to rotate the object around the z-axis.
px - The x position of the point to rotate around.
py - The y position of the point to rotate around.
pz - The z position of the point to rotate around.
See Also:
rotateLocal(double, double, double)


public final void scaleObject(double xs,
                              double ys,
                              double zs)
Scales the object, relative to its current size. A value of 1 would not scale along that axis. Any value less that 1 would indicate a reduction in size.
xs - The amount to scale along the x-axis
ys - The amount to scale along the y-axis
zs - The amount to scale along the z-axis


public final void setFaceColour(int faceid,
                                int r,
                                int g,
                                int b)
Set the colour of an individual face. This will automatically recalculate the vertex colours, as required by the gourard shading renderers. Note that this can be a costly process, so for applying multiple changes, you should use setFaceColourQuick().
faceid - The face to change the colour of.
r - The red component of the new face colour.
g - The green component of the new face colour.
b - The blue component of the new face colour.
See Also:
setFaceColourQuick(int, int, int, int)


public final void setFaceColourQuick(int faceid,
                                     int r,
                                     int g,
                                     int b)
Set the colour of an individual face. This method will NOT automatically recalculate the vertex colours, as required by the gourard shading renderers. To force this you must use applyFaceChanges() once you have completed the face colour changes.
faceid - The face to change the colour of.
r - The red component of the new face colour.
g - The green component of the new face colour.
b - The blue component of the new face colour.
See Also:
applyFaceChanges(), setFaceColour(int, int, int, int)


public final void applyFaceChanges()
Forces Jazz3D to recalculate the vertex colours of an object. This MUST be called after any calls to setFaceColourFast().
See Also:
setFaceColourQuick(int, int, int, int)


public final void setColour(int r,
                            int g,
                            int b)
Sets the colour of the whole object. Every face in the object will be set to the specified colour.
r - The red component of the new object colour.
g - The green component of the new object colour.
b - The blue component of the new object colour.


public final int getFaceColour(int faceid)
Returns the colour of the specified face. Here's an example of how to get the RGB values of the colour:

int faceColour = myObject.getFaceColour(2);
int red = (faceColour & 0xFF0000) >> 16;
int green = (faceColour & 0x00FF00) >> 8;
int blue = (faceColour & 0x0000FF);

faceid - The face you want to find the colour of.
The colour of the face.


public final void setAmbientColour(int r,
                                   int g,
                                   int b)
Sets the ambient colour of an object. The ambient colour is the colour the object will appear when there is no light falling on it.
r - The red component of the new ambient colour.
g - The green component of the new ambient colour.
b - The blue component of the new ambient colour.


public final void setCulling(boolean cull)
Toggles the use of backface culling for this object. Backface culling is a very useful way of speeding up your program - basically, it works out if a face can be seen, and if not, it won't draw it! Simple, and very effective. By default, culling is enabled when you create your objects.
cull - True if backface culling is to be used, and false if not.
See Also:


public final boolean getCulling()
Returns the status of the backface culling.
See Also:


public final void setVisible(boolean visible)
Toggles object visibility. This provides an easy way of excluding an object from the scene temporarily.
visible - True if the object should be visible, and false if not.


public final boolean getVisible()
Returns the visibility of the object.
See Also:


public final void prepForDisplay(boolean bbon)
Finalizes any object creation activities (like bounding-box creation). Should be called by all sub-classes of Object3d.
bbon - Set this to true if you want the object's bounding box to be created


public final void setVertexTexture(int vertexid,
                                   int texid)
Sets the image to be rendered at a given vertex. This is only applicable if you are going to use the RenderOutline renderer.
vertexid - An integer referencing a vertex in the object.
texid - An integer as returned by the setVertexImage() method of the renderer.
See Also:


public final void setCollidable(boolean collide)
Toggles whether or not this object can be collided with. This allows you to eliminate objects from collision tests, which can speed up the collision detection process considerably.

By default, all objects are collidable.

collide - True if this object should be collidable, false if not


public final boolean getCollidable()
Find out if the object is collidable.
True if this object is collidable, false if not


public final boolean pick(Vertex start,
                          Vertex end)
Casts a ray between 2 points in space, and tests to see if any of the faces in this object collide with it. If a collision is detected, the information is filled out in the static HitPoint class. Only one collision is recorded per object - as soon as a collision is detected, no more faces are tested.
start - The start point of the ray
end - The end point of the ray
See Also:
Vertex, HitPoint


public final boolean pickClosest(Vertex start,
                                 Vertex end)
Casts a ray between 2 points in space, and tests to see if any of the faces in this object collide with it. If a collision is detected, the information is filled out in the static HitPoint class. Only information about the closest collision is recorded.
start - The start point of the ray
end - The end point of the ray
See Also:
Vertex, HitPoint


public final boolean pickFace(Vertex start,
                              Vertex end,
                              int faceID)
Casts a ray between 2 points in space, and tests to see if a particular face in this object collide with it. If a collision is detected, the information is filled out in the static HitPoint class.
start - The start point of the ray
end - The end point of the ray
faceID - The face to test
See Also:
Vertex, HitPoint

©2001 SyGem Software